About 25 years ago, Beverley started a company called e.art.h designs. Her main focus was printing her original artwork onto textile, and then manufacturing soft furnishings and supplying national chain stores. She also conceptualised, manufactured and sold a kiddies clothing brand called GuruGirl …. Way ahead of it’s time IMHO.
Because art and colour is in her DNA, Beverley continues to enjoy painting, sketching and textile design. Throwing together unusual colour and pattern combinations, she manufactures sought after products and reupholsters family heirlooms through a company called Fat Flower. From quilts to knot bags, colour therapy is the order of the day.
Over the past few years, she has designed and manufactured a wonderful combination of product as well as sourced unique and complimentary goods, both locally and abroad, to showcase and sell right here on GOSHA.
Her wish for you is that you sense her love of colour, texture and pattern in everything she puts her hand to.
Welcome to GOSHA, the online store of marvels.
I am Beverley Ann Burne.
I am a wife to Mark and a Mother to Jordyn and Colby. I am Gaga to Birdy. I am an artist who creates and designs functional products that leave my customers gasping for more! I believe in colour therapy. I follow the Buddhist philosophy and I celebrate being uniquely me! I practice meditation and yoga every morning and I wear a bindi.